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A selection of different visual art and sculptural pieces created in my spare time

Across the Board -

Digital collage, made on photoshop, 2020 - 2021

I started this collage May 17 2020. Every few weeks I would add pictures reflecting what was happening around the world with the pandemic, and the people that represented these events. At the bottom I started with mostly health care workers and grave diggers. As the months went on though, the pandemic became more political, violent, with protests, enriching some and leaving others in poverty. People went spring breaking, others started getting vaccinated and others, in big part women, led movements across Latin America to protest the violence that has plagued them and grew in the pandemic. From the ridiculous, to the heartwarming, and maddening it is a visual record over 316 days of how the pandemic is a very human issue, in more ways than one.

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Harlem -

Digital collage, made on photoshop, 2020

Using collage, I was able to combine the views from google street of a typical Harlem block with archival photographs of people photographed in Harlem over the years as a learning exercise during an urban design class assignment. This exploratory form of research helped me review the links that people inherently have to "place" over time, and the visual interaction over generations of different architectural materials, fabrics, and fashions.

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Casting Chasms -

Plaster of Paris, Cotton Sculpture, 2019

This piece was created by placing cotton inside a hand-made wood mold, and then pouring in the plaster. After the plaster had set, I picked the cotton away to reveal its imprint on the plaster. I created this piece out of my curiosity for trying to visualize what it would be like to make a "cast" out of a cloud based off of a story from Italo Calvino about a city that existed only in the clouds.

QR Space -

Digital collage, made on photoshop, 2020

I noticed QR codes became an undeniable mainstay of everyday life following the pandemic. Its role as a "road" to different forms of media, information, and digital spaces intrigued me, as it is also a highly visual item. From this, I envisioned if creating an image of different QR codes would allow me to create a perceptively 3D space out of 2D QR codes. 


American Distress -

Digital collage, made on photoshop, 2022

I found the play on words interesting, between an item such as American Express cards that so poignantly represent America's consumerism, lust for wealth and image, versus the social, political, and cultural upheaval being experienced in late-stage capitalism. As such, this piece is a commentary to moments of significant social upheaval from large scale policy decisions and societal trends. In particular, this piece is a response to the disruption that was the historic reversal of Roe .v. Wade on June 24th, 2022, and the uncertain future of abortion rights in America.

Personal Effects -

Ceramic with Glaze, 2023

I have taken up pottery as a way to develop my interest in sculptural exploration, and making. These two cups were made as part of a commission for a friend who wanted a special gift they could share with their mother. They stated they want to use these cups to share morning tea and coffee. I created both with traditional throwing techniques, and finished the final shape by gripping the clay in different positions to create naturally comfortable holds. My intention was to create an imprint which would allow my friend and his mother to have a more natural and soothing grip to feel the warmth of the drink. I also wanted to use different colours as a clear delineation that these are two individual pieces, but use a very distinct spotted clay to visually state that both cups come from the same source. 

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